The three new research centres opening at The University of Sheffield - the Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV), the Royce Translational Centre (RTC) and the Integrated Civil and Infrastructure Research Centre (ICAIR) - are located within the heart of the Sheffield City Region’s Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District and are a key element of the emerging Global Innovation Corridor that stretches across the Sheffield City Region.
The Structural Dynamics Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV) is a major new acoustics and vibration testing facility funded by the EPSRC, ERDF and the University of Sheffield. The facility provides a unique research offering to academia and industry. In addition to allowing dynamic testing of full-scale structures in ambient laboratory conditions, the LVV offers the opportunity to test substantial structures, sub-structures and components in realistic environments.
Led by the Dynamics Research Group (DRG) in the University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, the laboratory will offer significant benefits across a range of industrial sectors including energy, aerospace, automotive, renewables and medical engineering..
The climatic test room control system allows complex simulation programs to be created and executed. Set point and actual values of environmental conditions are recorded and available for future analysis. The chambers can be operated with or without personnel inside.
Servotest is proud to have been an integral part of this project - supplying the Multi-Axis Shaker Table (MAST) used for testing Aerospace structures & wind turbine components inside the climatic test room at the LVV.